Tax rate settings (multiple tax rates)

In this article we will explain how to set up tax rate in AForms.
AForms has been able to handle multiple tax rates since v2. It’s okay to have tax-free details lines.

In this article we will explain how to set up tax rates in AForms.
This information is current as of v2.0.0.

Please note that AForms can only handle either all tax included or all tax excluded.
In other words, we cannot handle tax-included notation only in part. Please be aware of this.

For setting to tax-included notation

Calculation rules for form settings

Please set the “Tax Notation” to “Tax Included”.

Building a Form

When you build the form, please set the price field in every part as tax inclusive.

For setting the tax-excluded notation

Calculation rules for form settings

Please set the “Tax Notation” to “Tax Excluded”.
In the “Tax Rate” field, please enter the tax rate that applies to the detail lines.

Building a Form

When you build a form, please set the “Price” field in every item as tax excluded.
The “Tax Rate” field near the “Price” field should be left blank. If you leave it blank, the tax rate entered in the Form Settings will be applied.

Supporting multiple tax rates (for tax-excluded notation)

If there are tax-free detail lines, the normal tax rate of X% and other tax rates, for example, of 0% will be mixed.
This section explains how to build such a form.

Calculation rules for form settings

Please set the “Tax Notation” to “Tax Excluded”.
And please set the “Tax Rate” to X%.
The tax rate you set here can be applied to the detail lines as the default tax rate, making it easier for you to build the form.

Building a Form

There is an input field called “Tax Rate” in Option and Auto Item, but please leave it blank.
However, if the detail line is tax-free, please enter “0”. Now, this detail line will have a tax rate of 0%.

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